'The Great Spirit has given us everything.
Everything you see - everything you use.
Therefore the Great Spirit is everything.
The land is sacred;
The lakes are sacred;
Even the air we breathe is sacred;
The forests, the mountains, the plains,
The rain falling from the skies;
The plants, the animals - all are sacred.
This has been our parents' land, and their parents' land,
Since the beginning of time.
We must protect and treasure it, treat it with respect,
And hand it to our children, and their children.
The Great Spirit gave us the buffalo -
It provided for all our needs,
Its flesh, its skin, its bones, gave us all we need.
It is a noble beast and we must not abuse this bequest -
But take just for our needs.
These gifts must never be exploited or destroyed,
As the white man ruins their lands.
He rapes the mountains for gold,
Destroys the crystal clear steams with filth,
And pollutes the air above their great cities.
You must be one with the Creator,
And when you meet -
Thank him for these riches and gifts.'
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