Wednesday 2 March 2011


For many years, I looked to see what mysteries it held in store,
But I was blind to what it said and the suffering it portrayed.
But then a shock shook through my brain with a screaming, vibrating inside.
Its impact opened once blind eyes to horrors caused by men.

Guernica, I found was simply a town, in the Spanish Civil War.
Fascists and Nationalists tried their best to obliterate the other side.
In this war, both justified their shocking brutal crimes, 
By quoting God was on their side and evil's being destroyed.
Nuns and priests had ears cut off - bullfighters' trophies indeed!
'We are right and they are wrong', excuses appalling deeds.

April 26 1937, the day's infamy began, 
And Blitzkreig had a trial run for future's rivers of blood.
Those 1600 died this time round and wounded littered the town, 
Millions would learn what Blitzkreig means,
When the Devil's in control.

Guernica says it all to me, 
What the future held in store.
Each time I look I feel the pain,
Of Picasso's inner wrath.


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